Friday, August 8, 2008

ICT Pedagogy and the curriculum - Loveless

Are there characteristics of ICTs which make a unique contribution to different ways of learning and gaining knowledge?

They ICTs catalysts for different ways of knowing in the world.?

Variety of definitions of pedagogy

What can be the impact of ICT on different elements of models

  • approaches to teaching
  • beliefs about subject matter
  • subject knowledge
  • pedagogical knowlede
  • Craft skills in organisaiton
  • personal characteristics and perceptions of current contexts
  • teaching behaviours
  • teaching contexts

Teachers use a rich variety of roles

'by knowing when and how to intervene to encourage student autonomy and contributions ......

teachers are using 'intelligent action' and altering ways work with ICT and approaches and roles..

'this requires careful thought, sensitivity and willingness to let go of confidence and competence whilst becoming familiar with new resources and working styles' ...... ( p69)

teachers are part of networked communities and need to draw upon the expertise, experience and enthusiasm of others to develop and share pedagogical practices.

Are ICT resources just BOLT ONS?

Do they offer challenge and opportunity not just to ASSIMILATE technologies into existing practices but to explore and evaluate different structures and models of access to learning experiences?


Epistemology of knowledge- not static, and not changing it is

pluralistic, changing, creative, personal and multisensory

Whose knowledge an exploding base of accessible information, which can be revised, personalised, multimedia- ized..... creativity.

Issues of

authority, ownership, validity,sharing and the collective development of knowledge.

new definitions of pedagogy

' teacherfs and learners are co = constuctors of knowledge. Pedagogy is an conscious activity

by one person designed to enhance learning in another person.

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